Your job might be important to you, but work can be one of the most stressful things in your life. More than 80% of people who work in the United States suffer from some form of work stress, and over half of the people who work believe their employers aren't doing much to create workplace balance and comfort.

If you suffer from stress at work, it not only affects your work life, it can create chaos outside of work as well. You can suffer from physical and mental health issues, and can feel out of control in your own life. Luckily, there is adult counseling you can consider for your situation. Learn how counseling can be beneficial to you when you have work-related stress.

You can learn your triggers

What is causing you stress at work? Knowing what is the main cause—or causes, since there may be many workplace stress issues—can help you identify and avoid what are commonly referred to as triggers, or occurrences or things that lead to stress. Is it your boss? Finances? Being around a certain coworker? Your adult counseling therapist will help you learn your triggers by going over your common work day with you and recording the levels of stress you feel at certain times of day. They will then help you identify what your triggers are, why they bother you, and will show you ways you can deal with your triggers before they start. This can lead to a more productive workplace for you that is less stressful overall.

You can learn how to reduce stress symptoms

Everyone has their own way of responding to work stress, so it's helpful to use adult counseling to learn what your stress symptoms are. They can be moodiness, sleep deprivation, appetite changes, lack of motivation, agitation, anxiety, and more. Work with your adult counseling therapist to identify what ways you experience stress in the workplace and at home so you can learn how to reduce them.

In knowing how you exhibit stress when you're at work, you can counteract the symptoms. For example, if you have issues with mood and stress, you can use a journal, listen to light music, or incorporate soft lighting in your workspace to help reduce that stress. If food is a stress symptom, you can change your diet to include heart-healthy foods and protein-rich foods that will give you more energy. If energy and motivation are your main signs of stress, then adding exercise or other responses to your regular daily activities can help here as well.

Adult counseling may be right for you if you have workplace stress. You may want to speak to your employer to see if workplace counseling can be offered as part of your employee benefits program. Contact an adult counseling service for more information. 
